【同义词辨析】 2020-02-05 自夸boast-crow

boast: often suggests ostentation and exaggeration: ready to ~ of every trivial success; but it may imply proper and justifiable pride: the town ~s one of the best hospitals in the area.  骄傲pride是中性词,不一定贬义

brag: suggests conceit, crudity, and artlessness in glorifying oneself: boys ~ging to each other.  crudity粗糙粗鲁   (artless字面意思是没有技巧,表示人不谙世故,容易惹人不快或得罪了,是幼稚的委婉说法,如she was curiously artless单纯得令人难以置信,如an artless, naive girl一个率真无邪的女孩)  glory极端的光荣荣耀,或美丽壮观

vaunt: usually connotes more pomp and bombast than boast and less crudity and naivete than brag: used the occasion to ~ the country’s military might.  pomp气派排场,如礼服装饰音乐等,如all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding皇室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式;bombast华而不实的言辞大话means words which sound important but have little meaning, used to impress people,如a bombastic speaker大放厥词的演说家,如there was no bombast or conceit in his speech他的演讲没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。 两个词的词形十分相似,应该很好记)

crow: usually implies exultant boasting or blatant bragging: loved to ~ about his triumphs.  另外,crow作名词表示乌鸦,作动词表示公鸡啼鸣  exult欢跃狂喜to feel or show great happiness,如to exult at a success因成功欣喜/an exulting heart欢跃的心情,如 'we won!' she exulted"我们赢了!"她欣喜若狂道)

boast自夸: 常表示炫耀夸张;但也可表示正常合理地骄傲,brag吹牛: 表示自负粗糙幼稚地夸耀自己,vaunt夸耀: 比boast多了些排场词藻,比brag少了些粗糙幼稚,介于二者之间,crow夸耀啼鸣: 指欢腾吵闹着夸耀

记忆方法: 1)首字母BBVC棒棒我材<==自夸

         2)自夸的意思是口头表达骄傲mean to express in speech pride in oneself or one's accomplishments.